オルガン [organ]
MEDIUM-049【Tempo 80 Together in hard times】
[tempo 80] The music is slow, lonely and warm, with mainly acoustic guitar sounds.WAV File Download1...MEDIUM-047【Tempo 76 Looking at the sky】
Tag:アコースティック [acoustic] , デジタル [digital] , テンポ遅め [slow tempo] , テンポかなり遅い [tempo quite slow] , 電子音 [electronic sound] , ゆったり [slowly] , 神聖 [holiness] , 明暗中間 [medium] , ストリングス [strings] , 悲しい [sad] , テンポ70前後 [tempo around 70] , 静か [quiet] , テンポ80前後 [tempo around 80] , 光 [light] , 日常 [everyday] , オルガン [organ] , 夕方 [evening] , 料理 [cooking]
[tempo 76] This music has a relaxed atmosphere with electric organ and string sounds as the main ins...
BRIGHT-044【Tempo 124 adventure beginning】
[tempo 124] This is bright music with electric piano and synthesizer sounds as the main instruments....MEDIUM-046【Tempo 120 Performance Group】
[tempo 120] This music is mainly composed of muted sounds of bass and electric guitar, and is inspir...MEDIUM-043【Tempo 180 cookie baking】
[tempo 180] This music has a light and joyful image, mainly consisting of the sound of an electronic...MEDIUM-042【Tempo 120 Magic Time】
[tempo 120] This music is mainly composed of electric bass and organ sounds with a light image.WAV F...BRIGHT-041【Tempo 128 World in the Sea】
Tag:アコースティック [acoustic] , テンポ速め [fast tempo] , デジタル [digital] , ハワイアン [Hawaiian] , 楽しい [fun] , ドラム [drum] , 電子音 [electronic sound] , ピアノ [piano] , 不思議 [wonder] , 子供 [child] , テンポ120前後 [tempo around 120] , 南国 [southern island] , 太陽 [sun] , 昼 [day time] , テンポ130前後 [tempo around 130] , ノリノリ [high spirits] , 光 [light] , 日常 [everyday] , オルガン [organ] , 祝福 [celebration]
[tempo 128] Mainly acoustic piano and electronic sounds, this music is inspired by the beautiful oce...
BRIGHT-037【Tempo 120 Explore by bus】
[tempo 120] This is a leisurely piece of music, with the organ as the main sound.WAV File Download5....BRIGHT-035【Tempo 100 Happy Endings】
Tag:アコースティック [acoustic] , テンポ遅め [slow tempo] , 楽しい [fun] , ギター [guitar] , ドラム [drum] , 電子音 [electronic sound] , ピアノ [piano] , ゆったり [slowly] , 神聖 [holiness] , ストリングス [strings] , 子供 [child] , テンポ100前後 [tempo around 100] , 太陽 [sun] , 昼 [day time] , 光 [light] , 日常 [everyday] , オルガン [organ] , 祝福 [celebration]
[tempo 100] This music is mainly piano, organ, and synthesizer sounds, and is relaxing and happy.WAV...
BRIGHT-033【Tempo 70 Children's Future】
Tag:テンポ遅め [slow tempo] , 楽しい [fun] , 電子音 [electronic sound] , ピアノ [piano] , ゆったり [slowly] , 神聖 [holiness] , ストリングス [strings] , 子供 [child] , テンポ70前後 [tempo around 70] , 木琴 [xylophone] , テンポ130前後 [tempo around 130] , ノリノリ [high spirits] , 光 [light] , 日常 [everyday] , オルガン [organ] , 撥弦楽器 [plucked string instrument]
[tempo 70] Cute and slow music with mainly electronic sounds of electric piano and synthesizer.WAV F...