木琴 [xylophone]
DARK-030【Tempo 85 see you tomorrow】
[tempo 85] This music has a slightly lonely atmosphere with minor chords, mainly xylophone.WAV File ...BRIGHT-033【Tempo 70 Children's Future】
Tag:テンポ遅め [slow tempo] , 楽しい [fun] , 電子音 [electronic sound] , ピアノ [piano] , ゆったり [slowly] , 神聖 [holiness] , ストリングス [strings] , 子供 [child] , テンポ70前後 [tempo around 70] , 木琴 [xylophone] , テンポ130前後 [tempo around 130] , ノリノリ [high spirits] , 光 [light] , 日常 [everyday] , オルガン [organ] , 撥弦楽器 [plucked string instrument]
[tempo 70] Cute and slow music with mainly electronic sounds of electric piano and synthesizer.WAV F...