[tempo 100] This music has a pleasant atmosphere, mainly consisting of electric guitar cutting and electronic sounds.
MEDIUM-044【テンポ100We're good friends】
Tag:テンポ速め [fast tempo] , デジタル [digital] , 楽しい [fun] , ギター [guitar] , ドラム [drum] , 電子音 [electronic sound] , ゆったり [slowly] , 明暗中間 [medium] , 不思議 [wonder] , 金属音 [metallic clank] , 子供 [child] , テンポ100前後 [tempo around 100] , 太陽 [sun] , 昼 [day time] , ノリノリ [high spirits] , 日常 [everyday] , ゲーム [game]
MEDIUM-051【Tempo 70 Take it easy today】
[Tempo 70] This is a slow, relaxed music...
MEDIUM-050【Tempo 120 Imagined Future】
[tempo 120] This music is mainly synthes...
MEDIUM-049【Tempo 80 Together in hard times】
[tempo 80] The music is slow, lonely and...
MEDIUM-048【Tempo 80 Sacred Realm】
[tempo 80] This music is mainly composed...
MEDIUM-047【Tempo 76 Looking at the sky】
[tempo 76] This music has a relaxed atmo...
MEDIUM-046【Tempo 120 Performance Group】
[tempo 120] This music is mainly compose...
MEDIUM-045【Tempo 70 Piano Theme】
[tempo 70] This music has a relaxed, sli...
MEDIUM-044【テンポ100We're good friends】
[tempo 100] This music has a pleasant at...
MEDIUM-043【Tempo 180 cookie baking】
[tempo 180] This music has a light and j...
MEDIUM-042【Tempo 120 Magic Time】
[tempo 120] This music is mainly compose...
MEDIUM-041【Tempo 140 kill the enemy】
[tempo 140] This music is mainly bass sl...
MEDIUM-040【Tempo 120 Children's Explorers】
[tempo 120] This music is mainly wind in...
MEDIUM-039【Tempo 80 Earth】
[tempo 80] Mainly using synthesizers, th...
MEDIUM-038【Tempo 90 Toward Freedom】
[tempo 90] This music has a band sound, ...
MEDIUM-037【Tempo 132 Piglet Theme】
[tempo 132] This is bright, country-styl...