太陽 [sun]
アコースティック [acoustic] ,
テンポ遅め [slow tempo] ,
楽しい [fun] ,
ギター [guitar] ,
ドラム [drum] ,
ピアノ [piano] ,
ゆったり [slowly] ,
ベース [bass] ,
テンポ90前後 [tempo around 90] ,
子供 [child] ,
南国 [southern island] ,
管楽器 [wind instrument] ,
テンポ100前後 [tempo around 100] ,
太陽 [sun] ,
昼 [day time] ,
ノリノリ [high spirits] ,
光 [light] ,
日常 [everyday] ,
祝福 [celebration] ,
ゲーム [game]
[tempo 98] Light and joyful music, mainly guitar cutting and brass instrumental sounds.WAV File Down...
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アコースティック [acoustic] ,
テンポ速め [fast tempo] ,
楽しい [fun] ,
ドラム [drum] ,
ピアノ [piano] ,
かっこいい [cool] ,
子供 [child] ,
南国 [southern island] ,
管楽器 [wind instrument] ,
テンポ100前後 [tempo around 100] ,
太陽 [sun] ,
昼 [day time] ,
ノリノリ [high spirits] ,
光 [light] ,
日常 [everyday] ,
ダンス [dance] ,
祝福 [celebration]
[tempo 100] Light and joyful music with piano and brass sounds as the main instruments.WAV File Down...
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テンポ速め [fast tempo] ,
デジタル [digital] ,
テンポかなり速い [tempo quite fast] ,
楽しい [fun] ,
ギター [guitar] ,
ドラム [drum] ,
電子音 [electronic sound] ,
不思議 [wonder] ,
子供 [child] ,
南国 [southern island] ,
太陽 [sun] ,
昼 [day time] ,
ノリノリ [high spirits] ,
光 [light] ,
日常 [everyday] ,
ダンス [dance] ,
祝福 [celebration] ,
テンポ180前後 [tempo around 180]
[tempo 180] This is light and joyful music, mainly consisting of guitar cutting sounds with a good t...
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アコースティック [acoustic] ,
デジタル [digital] ,
テンポ遅め [slow tempo] ,
ドラム [drum] ,
電子音 [electronic sound] ,
ピアノ [piano] ,
ゆったり [slowly] ,
かっこいい [cool] ,
神聖 [holiness] ,
明暗中間 [medium] ,
ストリングス [strings] ,
不思議 [wonder] ,
ベース [bass] ,
テンポ80前後 [tempo around 80] ,
鼓動 [beat] ,
太陽 [sun] ,
光 [light] ,
祝福 [celebration]
[tempo 80] This music is mainly composed of piano, string sounds, and synthesizer sounds, with a div...
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アコースティック [acoustic] ,
テンポ速め [fast tempo] ,
楽しい [fun] ,
ギター [guitar] ,
ドラム [drum] ,
ピアノ [piano] ,
ゆったり [slowly] ,
神聖 [holiness] ,
ストリングス [strings] ,
ベース [bass] ,
子供 [child] ,
南国 [southern island] ,
太陽 [sun] ,
昼 [day time] ,
ノリノリ [high spirits] ,
テンポ110前後 [tempo around 110] ,
光 [light] ,
日常 [everyday] ,
祝福 [celebration]
[tempo 110] This is a refreshing music with a bright image, mainly acoustic guitar and string sounds...
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アコースティック [acoustic] ,
テンポ速め [fast tempo] ,
デジタル [digital] ,
楽しい [fun] ,
ドラム [drum] ,
電子音 [electronic sound] ,
ピアノ [piano] ,
ストリングス [strings] ,
ベース [bass] ,
子供 [child] ,
テンポ120前後 [tempo around 120] ,
夜 [night] ,
南国 [southern island] ,
太陽 [sun] ,
昼 [day time] ,
テンポ130前後 [tempo around 130] ,
ノリノリ [high spirits] ,
光 [light] ,
ダンス [dance] ,
祝福 [celebration]
[tempo 135] This music is mainly piano and string sounds with a festive image.WAV File Download9.57M...
To Detail Page
アコースティック [acoustic] ,
テンポ速め [fast tempo] ,
デジタル [digital] ,
楽しい [fun] ,
ギター [guitar] ,
ドラム [drum] ,
電子音 [electronic sound] ,
かっこいい [cool] ,
不思議 [wonder] ,
ベース [bass] ,
子供 [child] ,
テンポ120前後 [tempo around 120] ,
太陽 [sun] ,
昼 [day time] ,
ノリノリ [high spirits] ,
テンポ110前後 [tempo around 110] ,
光 [light] ,
日常 [everyday] ,
祝福 [celebration] ,
料理 [cooking]
[tempo 116] This music has a rhythmic feel, mainly consisting of electric guitar cutting and bass so...
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テンポ速め [fast tempo] ,
デジタル [digital] ,
楽しい [fun] ,
電子音 [electronic sound] ,
ピアノ [piano] ,
神聖 [holiness] ,
ストリングス [strings] ,
子供 [child] ,
テンポ120前後 [tempo around 120] ,
太陽 [sun] ,
昼 [day time] ,
テンポ130前後 [tempo around 130] ,
ノリノリ [high spirits] ,
光 [light] ,
オルガン [organ] ,
祝福 [celebration]
[tempo 124] This is bright music with electric piano and synthesizer sounds as the main instruments....
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テンポ速め [fast tempo] ,
デジタル [digital] ,
楽しい [fun] ,
ギター [guitar] ,
ドラム [drum] ,
電子音 [electronic sound] ,
ゆったり [slowly] ,
明暗中間 [medium] ,
不思議 [wonder] ,
金属音 [metallic clank] ,
子供 [child] ,
テンポ100前後 [tempo around 100] ,
太陽 [sun] ,
昼 [day time] ,
ノリノリ [high spirits] ,
日常 [everyday] ,
ゲーム [game]
[tempo 100] This music has a pleasant atmosphere, mainly consisting of electric guitar cutting and e...
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アコースティック [acoustic] ,
テンポ速め [fast tempo] ,
デジタル [digital] ,
ハワイアン [Hawaiian] ,
楽しい [fun] ,
ドラム [drum] ,
電子音 [electronic sound] ,
ピアノ [piano] ,
不思議 [wonder] ,
子供 [child] ,
テンポ120前後 [tempo around 120] ,
南国 [southern island] ,
太陽 [sun] ,
昼 [day time] ,
テンポ130前後 [tempo around 130] ,
ノリノリ [high spirits] ,
光 [light] ,
日常 [everyday] ,
オルガン [organ] ,
祝福 [celebration]
[tempo 128] Mainly acoustic piano and electronic sounds, this music is inspired by the beautiful oce...
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アコースティック [acoustic] ,
テンポ速め [fast tempo] ,
楽しい [fun] ,
ドラム [drum] ,
明暗中間 [medium] ,
不思議 [wonder] ,
子供 [child] ,
テンポ120前後 [tempo around 120] ,
管楽器 [wind instrument] ,
太陽 [sun] ,
昼 [day time] ,
日常 [everyday]
[tempo 120] This music is mainly wind instruments and snare drum sounds, with an image of fun.WAV Fi...
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アコースティック [acoustic] ,
テンポ速め [fast tempo] ,
テンポ遅め [slow tempo] ,
楽しい [fun] ,
不思議 [wonder] ,
子供 [child] ,
テンポ120前後 [tempo around 120] ,
太陽 [sun] ,
昼 [day time] ,
日常 [everyday] ,
オルガン [organ] ,
ゲーム [game]
[tempo 120] This is a leisurely piece of music, with the organ as the main sound.WAV File Download5....
To Detail Page
アコースティック [acoustic] ,
テンポ遅め [slow tempo] ,
楽しい [fun] ,
ギター [guitar] ,
ドラム [drum] ,
電子音 [electronic sound] ,
ピアノ [piano] ,
ゆったり [slowly] ,
神聖 [holiness] ,
ストリングス [strings] ,
子供 [child] ,
テンポ100前後 [tempo around 100] ,
太陽 [sun] ,
昼 [day time] ,
光 [light] ,
日常 [everyday] ,
オルガン [organ] ,
祝福 [celebration]
[tempo 100] This music is mainly piano, organ, and synthesizer sounds, and is relaxing and happy.WAV...
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アコースティック [acoustic] ,
テンポ速め [fast tempo] ,
楽しい [fun] ,
ギター [guitar] ,
ドラム [drum] ,
明暗中間 [medium] ,
不思議 [wonder] ,
ベース [bass] ,
子供 [child] ,
南国 [southern island] ,
太陽 [sun] ,
昼 [day time] ,
テンポ130前後 [tempo around 130] ,
ノリノリ [high spirits] ,
日常 [everyday] ,
ゲーム [game]
[tempo 132] This music has a cute and slightly mysterious atmosphere, mainly consisting of guitar an...
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アコースティック [acoustic] ,
テンポ遅め [slow tempo] ,
ギター [guitar] ,
ドラム [drum] ,
ゆったり [slowly] ,
かっこいい [cool] ,
神聖 [holiness] ,
明暗中間 [medium] ,
ベース [bass] ,
テンポ90前後 [tempo around 90] ,
決断 [decision] ,
セピア [sepia] ,
太陽 [sun] ,
光 [light] ,
日常 [everyday] ,
夕方 [evening]
[tempo 90] This music has a band sound, with electric guitar, bass, and drums as the main sounds.WAV...
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アコースティック [acoustic] ,
テンポ速め [fast tempo] ,
楽しい [fun] ,
ギター [guitar] ,
ドラム [drum] ,
明暗中間 [medium] ,
不思議 [wonder] ,
管楽器 [wind instrument] ,
木琴 [xylophone] ,
太陽 [sun] ,
昼 [day time] ,
テンポ130前後 [tempo around 130] ,
ノリノリ [high spirits] ,
日常 [everyday] ,
撥弦楽器 [plucked string instrument]
[tempo 132] This is bright, country-style music with woodwinds as the main sound.WAV File Download4....
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アコースティック [acoustic] ,
テンポ速め [fast tempo] ,
楽しい [fun] ,
ドラム [drum] ,
電子音 [electronic sound] ,
ピアノ [piano] ,
神聖 [holiness] ,
ストリングス [strings] ,
ベース [bass] ,
テンポ120前後 [tempo around 120] ,
太陽 [sun] ,
光 [light]
[tempo 120] This music is mainly composed of synthesizer and piano sounds and has a cheerful mood.WA...
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アコースティック [acoustic] ,
テンポ速め [fast tempo] ,
テンポかなり速い [tempo quite fast] ,
楽しい [fun] ,
ドラム [drum] ,
ピアノ [piano] ,
明暗中間 [medium] ,
ベース [bass] ,
ジャズ [jazz] ,
太陽 [sun] ,
昼 [day time] ,
ノリノリ [high spirits] ,
日常 [everyday] ,
テンポ180前後 [tempo around 180]
[tempo 180] Light piano is the main sound in this cheerful mood music.WAV File Download3.59MB...
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テンポ速め [fast tempo] ,
デジタル [digital] ,
楽しい [fun] ,
電子音 [electronic sound] ,
不思議 [wonder] ,
金属音 [metallic clank] ,
ベース [bass] ,
子供 [child] ,
テンポ120前後 [tempo around 120] ,
太陽 [sun] ,
昼 [day time] ,
ノリノリ [high spirits] ,
光 [light] ,
祝福 [celebration] ,
ゲーム [game]
[tempo 120] This music is mainly composed of electronic sounds of synthesizers, and is inspired by t...
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テンポ速め [fast tempo] ,
デジタル [digital] ,
テンポかなり速い [tempo quite fast] ,
楽しい [fun] ,
電子音 [electronic sound] ,
不思議 [wonder] ,
金属音 [metallic clank] ,
子供 [child] ,
管楽器 [wind instrument] ,
太陽 [sun] ,
昼 [day time] ,
ノリノリ [high spirits] ,
テンポ180前後 [tempo around 180]
[tempo 180] This is a fast-paced, joyful image music with wind instruments and synthesizer electroni...
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テンポ速め [fast tempo] ,
楽しい [fun] ,
電子音 [electronic sound] ,
ピアノ [piano] ,
不思議 [wonder] ,
ベース [bass] ,
子供 [child] ,
テンポ120前後 [tempo around 120] ,
太陽 [sun] ,
昼 [day time] ,
日常 [everyday]
[tempo 117] Cute music, mainly electric piano and synthesizer bass sounds.WAV File Download5.52MB...
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テンポ遅め [slow tempo] ,
楽しい [fun] ,
電子音 [electronic sound] ,
ピアノ [piano] ,
ゆったり [slowly] ,
明暗中間 [medium] ,
ストリングス [strings] ,
テンポ70前後 [tempo around 70] ,
テンポ80前後 [tempo around 80] ,
決断 [decision] ,
太陽 [sun] ,
昼 [day time] ,
光 [light]
[tempo 75] This is bright music with a fashionable chord progression, using mainly piano and string ...
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テンポ速め [fast tempo] ,
楽しい [fun] ,
ドラム [drum] ,
ピアノ [piano] ,
テンポ120前後 [tempo around 120] ,
太陽 [sun] ,
昼 [day time] ,
ノリノリ [high spirits] ,
光 [light] ,
日常 [everyday] ,
祝福 [celebration]
[tempo 120] This music is mainly light piano and bright.WAV File Download5.38MB...
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アコースティック [acoustic] ,
テンポ遅め [slow tempo] ,
楽しい [fun] ,
ギター [guitar] ,
ドラム [drum] ,
ゆったり [slowly] ,
神聖 [holiness] ,
ストリングス [strings] ,
テンポ90前後 [tempo around 90] ,
太陽 [sun] ,
光 [light] ,
日常 [everyday]
[tempo 90] Bright and fresh music with mainly acoustic guitar arpeggio sounds.WAV File Download7.18M...
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テンポ速め [fast tempo] ,
テンポかなり速い [tempo quite fast] ,
楽しい [fun] ,
電子音 [electronic sound] ,
静か [quiet] ,
太陽 [sun] ,
昼 [day time] ,
光 [light] ,
日常 [everyday] ,
テンポ170前後 [tempo around 170] ,
料理 [cooking]
[tempo 168] Clean music, mainly single notes of synthesizer electronic sounds.WAV File Download5.77M...
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テンポ遅め [slow tempo] ,
楽しい [fun] ,
ゆったり [slowly] ,
不思議 [wonder] ,
ベース [bass] ,
子供 [child] ,
テンポ80前後 [tempo around 80] ,
管楽器 [wind instrument] ,
太陽 [sun] ,
昼 [day time] ,
日常 [everyday]
[tempo 83] This music has a slow, joyful atmosphere, with the main focus on wind instrument sounds.W...
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アコースティック [acoustic] ,
テンポ遅め [slow tempo] ,
テンポかなり遅い [tempo quite slow] ,
ギター [guitar] ,
ゆったり [slowly] ,
神聖 [holiness] ,
明暗中間 [medium] ,
不思議 [wonder] ,
テンポ70前後 [tempo around 70] ,
静か [quiet] ,
太陽 [sun] ,
光 [light]
[tempo 70] Slow, watery music with acoustic guitar arpeggio sounds.WAV File Download9.23MB...
To Detail Page
アコースティック [acoustic] ,
テンポ遅め [slow tempo] ,
楽しい [fun] ,
ゆったり [slowly] ,
子供 [child] ,
管楽器 [wind instrument] ,
テンポ100前後 [tempo around 100] ,
太陽 [sun] ,
昼 [day time] ,
光 [light] ,
日常 [everyday]
[tempo 100] This is a slow, bright music with the main sound of woodwinds.WAV File Download6.46MB...
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[tempo 69] This is a slow, bright music with keyboard percussion as the main sound.WAV File Download...
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[tempo 116] Bright music, mainly country music taste with acoustic guitar.WAV File Download5.57MB...
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アコースティック [acoustic] ,
テンポ遅め [slow tempo] ,
楽しい [fun] ,
ギター [guitar] ,
ドラム [drum] ,
ピアノ [piano] ,
ゆったり [slowly] ,
テンポ90前後 [tempo around 90] ,
太陽 [sun] ,
昼 [day time] ,
ノリノリ [high spirits]
[tempo 90] A slow but uplifting piece of music with acoustic guitar strokes, drums, and a strong bas...
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アコースティック [acoustic] ,
テンポ遅め [slow tempo] ,
ハワイアン [Hawaiian] ,
楽しい [fun] ,
ギター [guitar] ,
ゆったり [slowly] ,
南国 [southern island] ,
テンポ100前後 [tempo around 100] ,
太陽 [sun] ,
昼 [day time] ,
テンポ110前後 [tempo around 110]
[tempo 104] Bright Hawaiian-inspired music with ukulele sound as the main instrument.WAV File Downlo...
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[tempo 72] This music is inspired by a relaxing late afternoon, with piano as the main instrument an...
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